It is time for our Tribe to come together, to create a new world of human experience

Are you one of the many visionaries and pioneers who recognize that many existing institutions have completely failing humanity? 

And that a world of vibrant health, abundance, self-expression and contribution are actually within reach?

Are you here to be part of a solution?

What is Global Wellness Transformation?

Why Global Wellness Transformation?

Global Crisis

At this time, the world is facing unprecedented crises that pose serious threats to both health and wealth

Shifting into an abundance paradigm

Existing paradigms based on lack and fear are failing, and need to be replaced by new structures that align with our human potential

The Power of Aggregation

“The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of The Parts” – our Tribe of visionaries needs to come together to create the world we want to live in


The resources and network to become part of the solution

GWT is harnessing the vision, training and resources, and providing the structures, for this Tribe to fulfill on Being The Solution


GWT is for you if...

The Transformations You Can Expect


A life of enhanced health and empowerment with a wellness program designed by our team of experts

Conscious Wealth Creation

Financial mastery opportunities that range from core healing work, to coaching with Donal Kelleher and entrepreneurial self-development, to innovative funding and investment structures

A Global Network for Visionaries

Access to a global network of like-minded visionaries for empowerment, collaboration opportunities, and magnified personal impact

Exclusively Included In a GWT Membership

Bronze Membership

Silver Membership

Gold Membership

Platinum Membership

Your GWT community is waiting for you

If you resonate with our message, then you are part of this conscious, world-transforming Tribe. We look forward to coming together with you, to dispel the limiting beliefs that have disempowered humanity for so long, and provide access to the true wellbeing, conscious wealth creation, and powerful synergy that will create the world we all want to live in.

Welcome to Global Wellness Transformation.

Share your knowledge and expertise with each other on topics like…

Health and Healing

Finance and Investments

Green Technologies

Self Development and Self Mastery

Join a community of Global Change Makers

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Choose your plan

Step 3: Become a Founding Member of Global Wellness Transformation!

Complete your Welcome Checklist and iMA questionnaire